September 29,2023

Autumn has arrived at Bee Creek with cooler temperatures, more rain and changing trout data. Numbers at each site are low, but consistent with 18 trout measured. Site 1, closest to the mouth shows a healthy number of trout ranging from three to five months old. One trout measured close to 200 millimetres fork length and located closer to the creek sources on Royal Roads property. This fork length equates to a trout of almost two years of age, which is the age Searun Cutthroat normally return to the Lagoon and coastal waters.

It was a beautiful trout, with good colour, likely well fed and very active when being measured. It was released carefully into a deep pool at site seven on Royal Roads land.

Bee Creek is home to many types of food for Cutthroat. Although fresh water shrimp continue to be active in the creek, Caddisfly larva have shed thier casings and are now, in thier adult form feeding on vegetation near the water. As a flying insect, they now add dragonflies abd birds to thier list of predators and will likely reach thier end of lifespan by next month.